Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Artist's Way Weeks 3 & 4

Well, I didn't write after week 3 because I found myself very busy with prepping for the July 4th weekend when we hosted a party for 30 plus people. That entailed 4o lbs. of pork shoulder,

80 hot dogs ( of which we have a package leftover for camping), multiple pounds of coleslaw and potato salad, 2 lbs. of shrimp to wrap with bacon . . . crab and cream cheese dip, blue cheese dip, pina coladas, vodka lemonade sangria, decorations, late night
snacks of onion dip and potato chips, popsicles for the kids, smores for everyone, 9pm food after the fireworks, and lots of laughs, pictures, memories (maybe blurry). New friends, old friends - friends of friends; it was a great day, afternoon, night and next morning.

There were all ages, all sexes, humans and animals

- even raccoons for those who stayed late. I'm very grateful for the people in my life who show up, want to be a part of it, contribute to it, clean up after it (IRMA!!!) and just participate in the joy of being together, sharing a good time and celebrating.

Let freedom ring!!!

Week 4 of the Artist's Way has been good so far, especially because this week we are on a mass media fast - no TV, internet searching, reading, radio, music with lyrics - etc. This could not have come at a better time because I was able to miss all the coverage of the pedophile's funeral.

I admit though, I did watch the Bachelorette on Monday night, so I started my fast on Tuesday. I do find in rough in the car as I am a talk radio addict and the silence is deafening. But, that is the purpose, to quiet the mind and see what it has to say rather than listen to mass produced ideas, images and statements.


  1. Patti- just want to say that we all "show up, want to be a part of it and contribute to it" because you create an open and fun environment full of joy and laughter that everyone can be a part of. We who "show up" are very grateful to have a place like yours that we can show up to. I've said it before (usually after one too many) and I'll say it again.. I love you Patti!! Jenya:)

  2. Thanks! But, now you're not anonymous . . . is that okay? I'm going to check out your Bachelorette posts.

  3. I didn't know how to post unless I used the anonymous... still new to this whole blog thing. Don't ever mention my bachelorette posts ever again, it's one of the lowest points of my life! Yeay tomorrow!! See you at 5:30... AM!!!
